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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.04 - strokovni članek
AVTORPerme, Tomaž - avtor
ODGOVORNOSTKirn, Boštjan - avtor // Skok, Igor - avtor
NASLOVPrenova robotov za strego in montažo
V PUBLIKACIJIVentil. - ISSN 1318-7279. - ǂLetn. ǂ11, ǂšt.ǂ4 (dec. 2005), str. 249-257.
KRATKA VSEBINATako kot vsi stroji so tudi roboti podvrženi staranju in jih je v nekem trenutku potrebno zamenjati z novimi. Pri strojih se včasih splača tudi prenova, kjer se mehanski del, ki je ponavadise dober, samo obnovi, zamenjajo pa se pogoni in krmilnik. Za odgovor na vprašanje, ali je to tehnološko in cenovno upravičeno tudi pri robotih, je nastal projekt prenove robota tipa SCARA v laboratoriju LASIM na Fakulteti za strojništvo iz Ljubljane. S prenovljenim robotom se je izvedel tudi poizkus delovanja v zahtevnih industrijskih razmerah, ki je pokazal, da tako prenovljen robot zadovoljuje vsem zahtevam. To je bil tudi eden od dejavnikov, ki so prepričali podjetje ETA iz Cerknega, ki ima šest robotiziranih varilnih celic z enakimi roboti, da se je odločilo za njihovoprenovo. Izvedbo prenove je prevzelo podjetje PS iz Logatca, ki je zamenjalo električne pogone in krmilnik ter izdelalo uporabniski vmesnik, pisan na kožo operaterju in vzdrževalcu. Ze po treh prenovljenih celicah sevidi, da je bila prenova upravičena, saj delajo po prenovi zanesljivo, kakovostno in učinkovito. // As all other machines so are also the robots subject of "aging" and they need to be replaced in certain moment with new one. Sometimes a modernization of the tooling machines, where the mechanical parts are still in order and need just to be renewed and where just the actuators and controllers are replaced, brings the gain. For giving the answer on the question, if this is technological as well as economical justified also with the robots, the project of modernization of the SCARA robot in the laboratory LASIM on the Faculty of mechanical engineering in Ljubljana was initialised. With the modernized robot the operational test under industrial conditions was carried out and the results proof that so modernized robot satisfies all settled requirements. That was also one of the factors, why the company ETA from Cerkno, which has in the production six robotised assembly cells with the sametype of robots, has decide for modernization. The project has been carriedout by the company PS from Logatec. They replaced all electrical actuators and controllers, and developed user interface which is well suited for operatorand maintenance. Already after the modernization of three robotised cells the project of modernization can be justified, because the cells operate reliably, qualitativly and efficiently.
OPOMBEBibliografija: str. 257
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// hidravlika // fluidna tehnika // roboti //prenova // strega // montaža

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010