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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
AVTORHeričko, Marjan - avtor
ODGOVORNOSTJurič, Matjaž B. - avtor // Rozman, Ivan - avtor
NASLOVČasovna in prostorska analiza serializacije objektov v javi in .NET
V PUBLIKACIJIElektrotehniški vestnik. - ISSN 0013-5852. -ǂLetn. ǂ70, ǂšt. ǂ3 (2003), str. 155-161.
KRATKA VSEBINASerializacija je pomemben koncept sodobnih objektnih programskih jezikov. Omogoča zapis stanja objekta v tok podatkov in kasnejšo obnovitev objekta, bodisi na istem računalniku za potrebe shranjevanja trajnega stanja, ali pa v drugem procesu ali drugem računalniku za potrebe oddaljene komunikacije med procesi oz. računalniki. Sodobni programski jeziki, kot so java in jeziki platforme .NET, imajo podporo za serializacijo že vgrajeno, kar olajša razvoj programskih sistemov. Ker je serializacija tako pomemben koncept, postane ključno vprašanje njene zmogljivosti. V tem prispevku analiziramo časovno in prostorsko zmogljivost serializacije in deserializacije v javi in ogrodju .NET. Pri tem primerjamo binarno serializacijo in serializacijo z uporabo XML. // Object serialization is the process of writing the state of an object to a stream. Deserialization is the process of rebuilding the streamback into an object. Serialization has become an important concept in modern software platforms, such as Java and .NET. Both platforms provide extensive support for serialization, which eases the development. Serialization is the underlying concept of many other technologies. It is particularIy important for remote method invocation and the distributed object models, where it allows marshaling objects by value and sending themacross process and computer boundaries. Serialization can represent the serialized state of an object using binary or XML format. We would expect that binary serialization is more effective in terms of memory space and time, as it needs to do much less transformations than XML serialization. XML serialization on the other hand is more portable than binary, it is human readable and it is used in software architectures based on web services. Therefore, in this paper we compare binary and XML serialization in terms of space and time on Java and .NET platforms. For the purposes of this paper we measured the time required to serialize the TestObject and Contract objects. We also measured the memory space used for serialization.The time required for serialization assesses the efficiency of built-in serialization algorithms. The memory space assesses the efficiency of the in-memory representation in case of binary serialization and the XML vocabulary used for XML serialization. Binary and XML serialization differ in the way they represent the serialized state of the objects. Therefore, the selection will depend on our requirements and on what we will do with the serialized objects. The key criteria include the need for data sharing between different systems, accessibility of the data, execution speed and limitations of the object model. Binary serialization is a representative of deep serialization. It includes an object attributes, including private and protected members. Binary serialization is also capable of handling object graphs with cyclic references. XML serialization on the other hand serializes only public class members and is not capable of handling object graphs with cyclic references. XML serialization is a representative of shallow serialization. Our measurements showed that both Java and .NET provide adequate support for serialization. Java performs better in binary serializatio; though it requires more memory for serialized objects than .NET. For XML serialization .NET performs much better than Java. The memoryfootprint is however comparable. For simpler object .NET is more effective,whilst for complex Java is better. The major reason for the poor Java performance in XML serialization is the Castor framework, which uses SAX for deserialization. Java is namely particularly slow in XML deserialization. The other differences relate to the size of metadata included with serialization and the efficiency of the XML vocabulary for serialization, where the major differences are in the way data types are specified. XML and binary serialization are very useful concepts. They are well supported. XML serialization requires more attention in the Java platform.
OSTALI NASLOVIAnalysis of object serialization in Java and .NET
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// programska oprema // razvoj // serializacija // objekti // XML (računalniški označevalni jezik) // Java (programski jezik) // časovna analiza // prostorska analiza

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010