VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
ODGOVORNOSTMulej, Matjaž - avtor // Ženko, Zdenka - avtor// Bastič, Majda - avtor // Knez-Riedl, Jožica - avtor // Mulej, Nastja - avtor
NASLOVKoliko inovativna sta poslovanje slovenskih proizvodnih podjetij in njihov management?
V PUBLIKACIJINaše gospodarstvo. - ISSN 0547-3101. - ǂLetn. ǂ48, ǂšt. ǂ3/4 (2002), str. 217-237.
KRATKA VSEBINANekoč je inoviranje morda bilo le eden od virov produktivnosti in ekonomičnosti, danes je poleg tega vir popolne/zadostne kakovosti, izbire in enkratnosti ponudbe, ki jih skupaj označujemo s pojmom sistemska kakovost. V bistveni meri je odvisno od proizvodnega managementa in enako bistveno od managementa vseh drugih poslovnih funkcij in poslovanja kot celote (vključno z managementom narodnega in mednarodnega gospodarstva, s katerima pa se tukaj ne bomo ukvarjali). Zato je važno, (1) kako dojemajo invencijsko-inovacijske procese in iz njih izpeljano inoviranje vsaj vsi vplivni med zaposlenimi, (2) v kater procese je usmerjen invencijsko-inovacijski management in koliko je inovativen, (3) koliko se v deželah zamudnicah postindustrializacije ravna podobno kot management najbolj inovativnih držav in podjetij ter (4) kako vse to odseva v boniteti in njenem merjenju.Pogled v prakso kaže, da so slovenska podjetja glede inovativnosti sicer napredovala, vendar bolj z usmeritvijo v učinkovitost in kakovost, ki še nisistemska, ker ne vsebuje dovolj fleksibilnosti in enkratnosti/diferenciacije ponudbe. Upoštevanje tukaj povzetih spoznanj bi jim najbrž pomagalo. // Once upon the time, innovating has been only one source of productivity and efficiency, today but it also results in total/requisite quality, range, and uniquiness offered, which we, in synergy of them all, denote as the systemic quality. It depends essenciallyon the production management, but equally crucially of management of all other business functions and of the entire business (including the nationaland international ones, which we leave aside here). Hence it is important, (1) how are the invention-innovation processes and the resulting innovatingunderstood, at least by all the influential employees/members of the organization, (2) what is the direction of the invention-innovation management, and what is their level of innovativeness, (3) to what degree managers in the latecomers of the post-industrialization process act similarly as the management of the most innovative countries and organizations does, and (4) how is all this reflected in the creditworthiness and its measures. The Slovenian enterprises did make progress in terms of their innovativeness and quality, which is anyway not a systemic one yet, because it does not include enough of flexibility and uniqueness of the offered products and services. Following the findings briefed here might help them.
OPOMBESoavtorji: Zdenka Ženko, Majda Bastič, Jožica Knez-Riedl, Nastja Mulej
OSTALI NASLOVIHow innovative are the business and managementof the Slovenian manufacturing enterprises?
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// Slovenija // podjetja // management // vodenje // kvaliteta // inovacije // inovacijska dejavnost

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010