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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
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AVTORVilar, Polona - avtor
ODGOVORNOSTŽumer, Maja - avtor
NASLOVKako uporabniki različnih strok zaznavajo uporabniško prijaznost vmesnikov sistemov za poizvedovanje
V PUBLIKACIJIKnjižnica. - ISSN 0023-2424. - ǂLetn. ǂ52, ǂšt. ǂ2/3 (okt. 2008), str. 71-93.
KRATKA VSEBINAČlanek obravnava del širše študije, opravljenena Oddelku za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani. V študiji so bile preučene zaznave uporabniške prijaznosti vmesnikov sistemov za poizvedovanje in vloga, ki joimajo pri tem individualne značilnosti uporabnikov. Izvedena je bila uporabniška študija z 61 raziskovanci, podiplomskimi študenti Univerze v Ljubljani. Preučeni so bili trije uporabniški vmesniki: Science Direct, Proquest Direct in Ebsco Host. Za zbiranje podatkov so bili uporabljeni vprašalniki in opazovanje. Preučene so bile zaznave pomembnosti pomožnih funkcij, preferenca določenega vmesnika ter zaznave uporabniške prijaznostidoločenih elementov vmesnikov, identificirane so bile povezave med temi zaznavami in individualnimi značilnostmi uporabnikov. Vključeni so bili trije modeli individualnih značilnosti: stili mišljenja pri iskanju informacij, pristopi k iskanju informacij in hemisferičnost. V povezavi z dimenzijami individualnih značilnosti so se izrazile različne zaznave uporabnikov. Ker so bile nekatere od teh dimenzij povezane tudi s stroko raziskovancev, študija utemeljuje, da imajo uporabniki iz različnih strok različne preference in zaznave uporabniške prijaznosti. Rezultati so relevantni za področje načrtovanja uporabniških vmesnikov disciplinarnih sistemov za poizvedovanje, kot tudi za izobraževanje, nabavno politiko in oglaševanje. // The paper presents one part of a wider study, performed at the Department of LIS&BS at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. The study investigated the perceptions of user friendliness of information retrieval systems' (IRS) interfaces and the role of individual characteristics of users in these perceptions. A user study with 61 postgraduate students of the University of Ljubljana was performed. Three interfaces were studied: Science Direct, Proquest Direct and Ebsco Host. Questionnaires and observation were used for data collection. The users' perceptions of importance of auxiliary functions, interface preference and perceptions of user friendliness of certain interface elements were investigated. Also, the connections between these perceptions and the users' individual characteristics were identified. Three sets of individual characteristics were included: approaches to studying, thinking styles and hemisphere leanings. In connection with the dimensions of individual characteristics very different user perceptions were expressed. Some dimensions of individual characteristics were also found to be connected to the users' academic areas. It is shown that the participants from different academic areas have different requirements and perceptions of user friendliness. Theresults of the study are relevant for the design of the user interfaces of disciplinary IRS. They also have implications for other areas, e.g. user education and training, acquisition and marketing.
OPOMBEBibliografija: str. 91-93
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// uporabniški vmesniki // sistemi za poizvedovanje // načrtovanje // zaznavanje // individualne značilnosti // hemisferičnost

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010