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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.03 - kratki znanstveni prispevek
VRSTA VSEBINEznanstveno delo
DELO IMAilustracije
AVTORPeteh, Maja - avtor
NASLOVPregled odmevnosti člankov, objavljenih v reviji Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva v zbirkah Web of science = Visibility review of articles published in "Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva" in the Web of science databases
V PUBLIKACIJIActa silvae et ligni. - ISSN 2335-3112. - ǂ[Št.] ǂ100 (2013), str. 41-46.
KRATKA VSEBINAPrispevek prikazuje analizo citatov prispevkoviz revije Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva v zbirki Web of Science (WoS) skozi celotno obdobje izhajanja revije do vključno 2011, upoštevani so citati, pridobljeni do februarja 2013. Revija v zbirki ni indeksirana, zatoje bila analiza usmerjena na citate člankov iz revije v tistih revijah, ki so indeksirane v zbirki. Z vidika vrednotenja raziskovalne uspešnosti in uredniške politike je bil namen ugotoviti odmevnost objav. V celotnem obdobju izhajanja revije od leta 1957 (od 1973 izhaja s tem naslovom, pred tem je dvakrat spremenila naslov) je do leta 2011, ki je še bilo zajeto, izšlo 738 prispevkov. V revijah, vključenih vzbirko WoS, je bilo citiranih 161 prispevkov (21,8 % vseh objavljenih), in sicer 267-krat. Citirana objava je bila povprečno citirana 1,7-krat. 34,6 % najdenih citatov je navedenih v člankih neslovenskih avtorjev. Citate najdemo pod 21 različniminaslovi revije, kar kaže mnogo nedoslednosti. Citate člankov Zbornika gozdarstva in lesarstva najdemo v 76 revijah, ki so razvrščene v 32 različnih WoS-kategorij, od katerih je le ena tretjina zunaj področij gozdarstva (37,7 %), botanike (17,5 %) in okoljskih znanosti (10,4 %). Uvrstitev revije v zbirke, kot je WoS, bi skupaj z zagotavljanjem odprtega dostopa verjetno še izboljšalo mednarodno vidnost revije. // The article presents a citation analysis of articles published in the journal Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva in the database Web of Science (WoS) throughout thejournalʼs existence, including the year 2011; citations were obtained in February 2013. Journal is not indexed in WoS, therefore, the analysis is focused on citations in journals that are indexed in the database.The purpose of the analysis is to assess the visibility of the journalʼs articles in science, which is important for the purpose of evaluating research performance and for the journalʼs editorial policy in the future. From its establishment in 1957 (in 1973 the current title was introduced, while prior to that year the title had been changed twice) and until 2011, which was the last year included in the research, 738 articles were published in the journal. 161 (21.8%) of the articles have been cited 267times in journals that are indexed in WoS. On average, each cited journal has been cited 1.7 times. 34.6% of citations were done by non-Slovene authors. Citations in the database WoS can be found under 21 different variations of the journalʼs title, which indicates many inconsistencies. Citations of the articles published in Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva can be found in 76 different journals, which are classified in32 different WoS categories; only one third of them is not in any of the three major categories: forestry (37.7%), botany (17.5%) and environmental sciences (10.4%). Inclusion of the journal Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva into WoS database, combined with the provision of open access, would probably improve its international visibility.
OPOMBEBibliografija: str. 46 // Izvleček ; Abstract
OSTALI NASLOVIVisibility review of articles published in Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// citiranost // bibliometrija // Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva // Web of science

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010