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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.02 - pregledni znanstveni članek
AVTORBizjak, Franc - avtor
NASLOVAli je reinženiring lesarskih podjetij potreben? = Do Wood-Processing Enterprises need to be Re-Engineered?
V PUBLIKACIJILes. - ISSN 0024-1067. - ǂVol. ǂ48, ǂno. ǂ10(okt. 1996), str. 295-300.
KRATKA VSEBINAObičajna skrb za razvoj podjetja ne zadostuje več. Spremembe v načelih organizacije se tako spreminjajo, da delitev dela postaja ob možnostih združevanja del ovira za zmanjševanje stroškov. Za preživetje so potrebne korenitejše spremembe celotnih procesov, ki jih omogoča sodobna informacijska in proizvodna tehnologija. Zato se v svetu pojavlja nov pristop v organizaciji podjetja in poslovnih procesov. Proceseobravnavajo celovito, s čimmanjšo delitvijo, tako se povečujejo pretoki materiala, sredstev in informacij. Rezultat je manjša poraba virov, hitrejše dobave. // The methods used in the past for the development of business enterprises are no longer sufficient. Changes in the principles oforganization are such that, taking into account the many possibilities for the combining of operations, traditional methods of division of labour havebecome a barrier for the reduction of costs. In order for business enterprises to survive, more far-reaching changes need to be made to complete processes, based on modern information and production technology. A new approach has become evident around the world regarding the organization of business enterprises and their internal processes. These processes are now regarded as a whole, so that there is minimum division. This results in increased flows of materials, production means, and information. And, as a result, the consumption of resources is reduced, thespeed of deliveries is increased, and other advantages arise.
OPOMBEBesedilo v slov. // Bibliografija: str. 300 //Summary
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// lesarstvo // podjetje // organizacija dela// razvoj

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010