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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
AVTORLecheler, Sophie K. - avtor
ODGOVORNOSTHinrichsen, Malte C. - avtor
NASLOVRole conceptions of Brussels correspondents from the new member states
V PUBLIKACIJIJavnost. - ISSN 1318-3222.. - ǂVol. ǂ17, ǂno.ǂ1 (apr. 2010), str. 73-86.
KRATKA VSEBINAJournalists working in Brussels are commonly perceived as different from traditional foreign correspondents. However, their isolation from their home offices also renders them distinct from domestic political journalists. Consequently, studies of Brussels correspondents have come up with their own viable types of "political journalism in Brussels." With the ongoing enlargement of the European Union- and a growing number of post-communist new member states - we need to re-define current typologies of Brussels journalism. Prior findings indicate that post-communist journalists have not yet evolved a fixed set of professional roles, norms and values. Thus, their work in Brussels may be characterised by a different approach towards correspondent journalism. As part of a study on Brussels correspondents, role conceptions of correspondents from post-communist new member states were examined. In-depth, semi-structured interviews with 14 journalists from different newmember states show that explicative, objective and rapid information-gathering are the most important constituents of political journalism in Brussels. As a consequence of the highly-complex subject matter of EU reporting and declining support from home offices, journalistssee it as their highest goal to explain the EU and make the EU decision-making process in Brussels better understood. Along this line, other forms of political journalism, such as investigative and critical reporting, are neglected. // Novinarji, ki delajo v Bruslju, pogosto veljajo za drugačne od tradicionalnih dopisnikov iz tujine. Njihova ločenost od domačih uredništev jih razlikuje tudi od domačih političnih novinarjev. Zato so študije dopisnikov iz Bruslja prinesle lastne tipologije "bruseljskega političnega novinarstva". S širitvijo Evropske unije - in z vedno več post-komunističnimi novimi državami članicami - moramo na novo opredeliti tipologije bruseljskega novinarstva. Pretekle ugotovitve kažejo, da postkomunistični novinarji še niso razvili trdnega nabora poklicnih vlog, norm in vrednot. Njihovo delo v Bruslju označuje drugačen pristop k poročanju. Poglobljeni polstrukturirani intervjuji s 14 novinarji iz novih držav članic kažejo, da so najbolj pomembne sestavine političnega novinarstva v Bruslju pojasnjevalno, objektivno in hitro zbiranje informacij. Zaradi zelo kompleksnega predmeta poročanja o EU in upada podpore iz domačih uredništev novinarji menijo, da je njihov najpomembnejši cilj razlagati EU in napraviti postopek odločanja v Bruslju bolj razumljiv. Ob tem so zapostavljene druge oblike političnega novinarstva, kot sta preiskovalno in kritično poročanje.
OPOMBEBibliografija: str. 84-86 // Povzetek
ELEKTRONLOKACIJA/DOSTOPSorodni elektronski vir:
OSTALI NASLOVIPojmovanja vloge bruseljskih dopisnikov iz novih držav članic EU
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// Evropska unija // Bruselj // novinarji // novinarstvo // informiranje

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010