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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
AVTORPfetsch, Barbara - avtor
NASLOVAgents of transnational debate across Europe :ǂthe ǂpress in emerging European public sphere
V PUBLIKACIJIJavnost. - ISSN 1318-3222. - ǂVol. ǂ15, ǂno.ǂ4 (dec. 2008), str. 21-40.
KRATKA VSEBINAČlanek obravnava teoretično in empirično ugotovljeno vlogo nacionalnega tiska v nastajajoči evropski javni sferi. Analiza izhaja iz evropeizacije kot nastajajočega okvira transnacionalnega komuniciranja med evropskimi državami. Predpostavlja, da lahko tisk kot politični dejavnik pomembno prispeva k evropeizaciji z zagovarjanjem evropske integracije in širjenjem perspektive na vse evropske države in Evropsko unijo. Analizirana je bila vsebina uvodnikih 28 dnevnikov v sedmihevropskih državah z vidika (1) stopnje udeleženosti evropske perspektive in(2) stališč do evropske integracije kot političnega projekta: Ena izmed ključnih ugotovitev analize je, da so evropske perspektive v uvodnih močno zastopane, prav tako pa časopisi močno podpirajo evropsko integracijo. // This article aims at assessing the theoretical and empirical role of the national press in the emerging European public sphere. The study draws on Europeanisation as the emerging framework for transnational communication across European nation states. It assumes that the press itself may performas a political actor and make a substantial contribution to Europeanisationby advocating European integration and by broadening its scope to include the perspectives of all EU member states and the EU itself. In order to discern the influence or role of the media - its "voice" - this study analysed the content of editorials of 28 newspapers in seven European countries along two dimensions. First, the receptiveness of the press towards European perspectives is investigated by measuring the degree to which its editorials feature European scopes. Second, the study examines newspapers' attitudes about European integration as a political project. The overall findings point to a remarkable representation of European perspectives, and substantial support for EU integration, by the national press in Germany, France, Italy and Spain. The newspapers in the Netherlands and Switzerland were somewhat more parochial, but still supportive. We also see that the United Kingdom (UK)media deviate substantially from these patterns. This study concludes that, in contrast with the findings of earlier studies, the press must be regarded as a significant agent of Europeanisation fostering transnational linkages of public debate.
OPOMBEBibliografija: str. 38-39
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// Evropa // javnost // komuniciranje // informiranje // množični mediji // tisk // novinarstvo

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010