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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.03 - kratki znanstveni prispevek
DELO IMAilustracije
AVTORHriberšek Vuk, Nina - avtor
NASLOVNačrtovanje projektov digitalizacije v Mariborski knjižnici kot oblika medinstitucionalnega sodelovanja na območju= Digitisation project planning in the Maribor City Library as a form of regional cross institutional cooperation
V PUBLIKACIJIKnjižnica. - ISSN 0023-2424. - 56, ǂ[št.] ǂ3(okt. 2012), str. 41-53.
KRATKA VSEBINAVse hitrejši razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije ter družbene spremembe, povezane znjim, zahtevajo vedno večje prilagajanje in spreminjanje tradicionalnih metod dela tudi v knjižnicah. Skladno s hitrim življenjskim ritmom postaja možnost dostopanja do knjižničnega gradiva od koderkoli in kadarkoli neizogibna nujnost. Knjižnice so tako postavljene pred izziv, kako ob ohranjanju svojega primarnega poslanstva ustvariti nove komunikacijske potido svojih uporabnikov. Ena od posebnih nalog osrednjih območnih knjižnic, ki jih financira ministrstvo, pristojno za kulturo, je koordinacija zbiranja, obdelave in hranjenja domoznanskega gradiva, kamor se prav tako uvrščajo projekti digitalizacije. Glede na zgodovinske okoliščine, povezanez nastankom Univerzitetne knjižnice Maribor ter oblikovanjem njihove domoznanske dejavnosti, se je Mariborska knjižnica kot osrednja območna knjižnica z načrtnim organiziranjem domoznanstva začela ukvarjati dokaj pozno. Zaradi pomanjkanja starejšega, redkega in dragocenega domoznanskega gradiva je bila na začetku svoje "digitalne" poti v toliko večji zagati, kaj sploh digitalizirati. Kljub prvotnim zadregam se je kmalu izoblikovala izhodiščna strategija, da bi s projekti digitalizacije uporabnikom čim boljpribližali gradivo o območju, ki ga knjižnica pokriva z mrežo krajevnih knjižnic, ne glede na to, katera ustanova to gradivo hrani. Na ta način se je knjižnica začela povezovati z različnimi institucijami in nastali so prvi partnerski projekti. // More and more Slovenian public libraries have been facing the question of selection criteria for digitisation of library materials as well as the issue of financial resources, copyright permissionand the promotion of digitised materials. Libraries having long tradition of collecting valuable local history resources are more convinced about theselection criteria. Digitisation is, in spite of being expensive, time consuming and labour intensive, an easy method to enable quick access to library materials, to promote and preserve library collections. The missionof the central regional public library (co)financed by the Ministry of Culture is not only to coordinate the collection, cataloguing and storage of local history resources but also to coordinate local history digital projects. Due to historical circumstances, the local history resources werefirst collected by the Maribor University Library. It is only in the recentpast that the Maribor City Library has started to systematically collect these materials. Due to this fact, the Maribor City Library does not hold an extensive collection of rare and valuable local history items. It was initially faced with the problem of selection criteria for digitisation. However, it soon succeeded to establish the strategy to promote the local history collections in the region, regardless of their location. Thus the library started to cooperate with different regional institutions and the first partner projects were designed. In the year 2007 the library collaboratedwith the elementary school at Lovrenc na Pohorju and decided todigitise research papers of ex-pupils of the school. The first part of the project was accomplished in 2007 when 72 research papers were digitised, inthe next two years their number was increased as the second part of the project was concluded. The papers were published on the KAMRA portal and the project was promoted at the summer annual meeting at Lovrenc na Pohorju. The next project was initiated in coopeartion with the Vurberk Tourist Association who contributed the photos for the exhibition about theVurberk castle held at one of the branch libraries at Duplek. The Tourist Association was interested in the digitisation of their collection. Our partnership was extended to the Ivan Potrč Library of Ptuj and the Maribor University Library. In 2010 46 photos of the castle and the sanatorium of pulmonary disease, which was located in the castle during the second war, were digitised together with 12 postcards dating at the end of 19th and thebeginning of the 20th century, and five older books about Vurberk. At firstthese items were accessible via portal and later via the KAMRA portal, too. Although the Maribor City Library does not digitise such a large portion of library collection as other public libraries, it tries to cooperate in project and ensure access to local history collections held byregional institutions. The partnership with the Maribor Regional Archive was to be established in 2012. A selection of materials of the former Tovarna avtomobilov Maribor (TAM) was planned to be digitised. The factory was the leading national truck manufacturer in the post war period. However, it was ruined at the end of the 20th century. A lot of local families were related to the factory. Because of the actuality of the theme, it is hoped that the project will reach its primary goal to attract a wide range of people.
OPOMBEPrispevek s prvega ljubljanskega kongresa digitalizacije kulturne dediščine "Ljubljana v BiTiH - BiTi v Ljubljani", 16. maja 2012 // Besedilo v slov. // Bibliografija: str. 52-53 // Izvleček ; Abstract
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// splošne knjižnice // Mariborska knjižnica // digitalizacija // spletni portali // projekti // sodelovanje

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010