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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
DELO IMAilustracije
AVTORJustin, Janez - avtor
NASLOVBesedilo, branje, sklepanje
V PUBLIKACIJIŠolsko polje. - ISSN 1581-6036.. - ǂLetn. ǂ22, ǂšt. ǂ5/6 (2011), str. 15-34, 217-218.
KRATKA VSEBINAV bralnem delu raziskave PISA 2009 so dijaki brali kratka besedila in reševalinaloge, vezane nanje. V članku avtor razčleni spoznavno zgradbo nekaterih nalog za dijake. Za zahtevnejše nalogev bralnem delu raziskave je bilo značilno, da je moral dijak s sklepanjem zapolniti vrzeli v besedilih, ki jih je prebral. Večina sklepov, ki jih je moral dijak narediti, je bila algoritmične narave. Razdeliti jih je mogoče na dopolnitvene in premostitvene sklepe. Pri sklepanju je moral dijak iz dolgoročnega spomina priklicati neko enoto splošnega védenja o svetu in jo uporabiti v sklepalni shemi, ki ga je vodila do pravilne rešitve naloge. Sklepalne sheme, na katere se je dijak oprl pri reševanju nalog, temeljijo na pravilih naravne logike, ki imajo tudi sicer pomembno vlogo v interpretaciji besedil. // One part of OECD-PISA project was conceived as ameasurement of students' reading literacy. Students read short literary or expository texts and then answers questions concerning the content of the text. The author of the paper analysed the cognitive processes that resulted in the studentsć solving the task that they were given. Th e more diffi cult among the tasks required from the student to fill in the gaps inthe texts they read with inferences they had made. We can distinguish between two groups of these inferences: 1. Inferences that produced some information in addition to the information conveyed by the texts; 2. inferences whose function was to bridge gaps in the texts. Before making the right inference, the student had to retrieve the right piece of information from their long-term memory. An inferential scheme had to be constructed that led the student to the solution of a task. While constructing such inferential schemes the student leaned upon the rules of natural logic they mastered early in their childhood.
OPOMBEBibliografija: str. 34 // Povzetek ; Abstract
OSTALI NASLOVIText, reading, inference
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// vzgoja in izobraževanje // bralna pismenost // branje // bralnost // naravna logika // sklepanje // PISA 2009// raziskave // text // reading literacy // natural logic // education // inference
UDK37.091.26:028, 028:37.091.26

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010