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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.04 - strokovni članek
AVTORKovač, Tatjana - avtor
NASLOVNovi UDK vrstilci za teologijo in verstva
V PUBLIKACIJIKnjižnica. - ISSN 0023-2424. - ǂLetn. ǂ49, ǂšt. ǂ3 (nov. 2005), str. 81-94.
KRATKA VSEBINAPrispevek prikazuje novo razporeditev UDK skupine za teologijo in verstva, ki je bila revidirana leta 2000. UDK skupina 2 je bila preurejena vsebinsko in oblikovno. Vsebinsko so verstva zdaj uravnoteženo zajeta. Vsa verstva imajo enak položaj in so razporejena zgodovinsko in tako, da si najbližja verstva sledijo v zaporedju. Oblikovnoso novost posebni privesni vrstilci, ki so osnovani po principu faset. Te so jasno definirane in dajejo vsem vrstilcem skupen vidik ali lastnost. Z novo ureditvijo imajo "stari" vrstilci drug pomen. Veliko število zastopanih vestev pa prinaša zajetno besedišče. Oboje je lahko vir težav tako za iskalca kot za urejevalca, klasifikatorja. Zato je pozornost prispevka namenjena prav možnim rešitvam. Nova razporeditev, urejena fasetno, pa kaže veliko prilagodljivost različnim verskim vsebinam in možnost za gradnjo sestavljenih vrstilcev za vsa verstva. // The contribution presents the new schedule of UDC Class 2: Theology and religion, which was revised in 2000. Class 2 has been modified, in terms both of substance and of form. All religions and faiths are now treated as a coherent system. Different religious groups in the main table are ranked equally. They are arranged historically and the most related religions follow each other. Another change is a single special auxiliary table, which is based on general principles of facet analysis. All of the detail of the auxiliary schedule is available for qualification in any class in the main table and they are very clearly denoted. The new meaning for the "cancelled" classes of the old Class 2 and the large number of different faiths and cultures generating a substantial vocabulary can present a potential difficulty for the library user and for the indexer. Therefore, this contribution is intended as a guide for the implementation and possible solutions to suit local conditions. The new schedule, which is fully faceted, demonstrates the great applicability of the class and the potential for generating the classmarks for complex concepts within any faith system because more than one concept from auxiliary class may be usedin combination for any religion.
OPOMBEBibliografija: str. 94
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// klasifikacija // univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija // teologija // verstva // terminologija

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010