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VRSTA GRADIVAmonografska publikacija, tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 2.08 - doktorska disertacija
VRSTA VSEBINEdoktorska disertacija
DELO IMAilustracije
AVTORVršič, Stanko - avtor
ODGOVORNOSTColnarič, Jože - mentor
NASLOVPomen založnih snovi v podlagah in cepičih terasimilacijske površine v rasti cepljenk vinske trte : doktorska disertacija= ǂThe ǂimportance of stored substances in rootstocks and scions and assimilation area for the growth of grafted vines : dissertation thesis
IMPRESUMLjubljana : [S. Vršič], 1996
FIZIČNI OPIS. - XIII, 124 f. : graf. prikazi, tabele ; 30 cm
OPOMBEBibliografija: f. 110-124 // Izvleček ; Abstract // Kazala // V letu 1992 in 1994 smo pri cepljenkah V.v.L.ssp. sativa cv. renski rizling kl. 239 na podlagi V.b.Planchon x.V.r.Michaux SO4kl. 31 proučevali vpliv različne dolžine podlag (20,30,40 cm) in defoliacije (J50, J100, S50, S100) na količino založnih snovi v koreninah, rozgah in podlagah ter vpliv na biometrične parametre cepljenk. V času siljenja se je K translociral iz podlagv cepič in mladike. V cepičih se je zmanjšalo razmerje me Fe in Mn iz 1.9 na 0.7-1.11:1. V krajši podlagi je posiljenju ostalo manj ogljikovih hidratov kot v razgah in podlagah. V podlagah so se v času siljenja porabljene zaloge ogljikovih hidratov v celoti obnovile v prvem letu rasti, od teh je bilo več kot 30% topnih ogljikovih hidratov, pred cepljenjem le 6%. Pri cepljenkah z daljšo podlago(40 cm) je bil izplen cepljenk večji za 12-22%, masa suhe snovi rozg za 3-5g in masa suhe snovi korenin za 1-3g v primerjavi s krajšimi podlagami. Medmaso suhe snovi korenin in maso suhe snovi rozg ter podlag je tesna multipla povezava. Pri defoliaciji je bilo v razgah in podlagah manj skupnih ogljikovih hidratov pri poznejši defoliaciji, v koreninah jih je bilo najmanj pri 100% defoliaciji v avgustu. Poznejša in manjša je bila defoliacija, večji je bil izplen cepljenk. // In 1992 and 1994, investigations were made into the grafted vines of the V.v.L.ssp. sativa cv. riesling cl. 239, grafted on the rootstock V.b.Planchon x V.v. Michaux SO4 cl.31. The effects of various lenghts of rootsstock (20, 30, 40 cm) anddefoliation (J50, J100, A50, A100, S50, S100) on the amount of stored substances in roots, canes and rootstocks, and the effects on biometrics parameters of grafted vines were studied. During heat forcing K was translocation from rootstocks to scions and shoots. The ratio betwen Fe andMn in scions was reduced from 1.9:1 to 0.7-1.1:1. After heat forcing, less carbohydrates remained in shorter rootstocks than in the longer ones. At the end of the vegetation, the amount of carbohydrates in the roots was three times higher than in the canes and rootstocks. The rootstocks carbohydrates used up during heat forcing were all produced anew during first growth. More than 30% of them were soluble carbohydrates - compared with 6% before grafting. The grafted vines on longer rootstocs resulted in 12-22% higher number of first-class grafted vines compared to grafted vinesin shorter rootstocks. There was also 3-5g more dry matter of canes, and 1-3g more dry matter of roots. Strong and highly significant multiple correlation betwen theroot dry matter weight and cane and rootstocks dry matter weights was established. defoliation showed that in canes and rootstocks the total amount of carbohydrates was smaller when defoliation was carried out at a larger stage of vegetation; in the roots the smallest amount of carbohydrates was established by 100% defoliation in August. The later and lesser defoliation, the higher was the percentage of first class grafted vines.
PREDMETNE OZNAKEvinska trta // razmnoževanje // cepljenke // siljenje // podlage // defoliacija // korenine // rezervne snovi // disertacije
UDK634.852:631.541(043.3), 631.541:634.852(043.3)

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010