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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.04 - strokovni članek
DELO IMAilustracije
AVTORKonda, Iva - avtor
NASLOVDejavniki uspešnosti omrežja povezav med prodajalci in kupci na medorganizacijskem trgu = Success factors of the network of relationships between buyers and sellers on B2B market
V PUBLIKACIJINaše gospodarstvo. - ISSN 0547-3101. - ǂLetn. ǂ56, ǂšt. ǂ1/2 (2010), str. 92-100.
KRATKA VSEBINAV članku poleg dimenzij smiselnosti odnosov v omrežju in pogojev za uspešnost sodelovanja v omrežju povezav predstavimo tudi tveganja, povezana z omrežjem povezav, in uspešnost le-teh. Pri tem obravnavamo omrežje z vidika socialnega kapitala podjetij in strateške povezave med njimi. Iz razprave lahko izvedemo sklep, da je poznavanje dejavnikov uspešnosti omrežja povezav med prodajalci in kupci na medorganizacijskem trgu managementu podjetja v veliko pomoč pri snovanju strategije do kupcev in strategije podjetja sploh. Raziskava potrjuje pomenspremljanja in analiziranja omrežja povezav podjetja s svojimi kupci. // Inaddition to the dimensions of sense-making in a network of relationships and the conditions for the effectiveness of cooperation in the network of relationships, this article discusses the risks associated with the networkof relationships as well as the success of the network. The discussion indicates that the network of relationships forms the social capital point of view and strategic alliances between firms as well. The study concludes that knowing the success factors of the network of relationships between buyers and sellers can be of great assistance to the management of a company when developing customer strategies as well as creating the company's general strategy. The research confirms the importance of monitoring and analysing the company's network of relationships with its customers.
OPOMBEBesedilo v slov. // Bibliografiija: str. 99-100
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// poslovno sodelovanje // omrežja // ponudba// kupci // trg // poslovna uspešnost

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010