VRSTA GRADIVA | analitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek |
DRŽAVA IZIDA | Slovenija |
LETO IZIDA | 2004 |
PISAVA | latinica |
ODGOVORNOST | Kosar, Tomaž - avtor // Mernik, Marjan - avtor// Žumer, Viljem - avtor // Henriques, Pedro Rangel - avtor // Pereira, Maria João Varanda - avtor |
NASLOV | Software development with grammatical approach |
V PUBLIKACIJI | Informatica. - ISSN 0350-5596. - ǂVol. ǂ28, ǂno. ǂ4 (dec. 2004), str. 393-404. |
KRATKA VSEBINA | The paper presents a grammatical approach to software development. It supports formal software specification using attribute grammars, from which a rapid prototype can be generated, as well as the incremental software development. Domain concepts and relationships among them have to be identified from a problem statement and represented as a con text-free grammar. The obtained con text-free grammar describes the syntax of a domain-specific language whose semantics is the same as thefunctionality of the system under implementation. The semantics of this language is then described using attribute grammars from which a compiler is automatically generated. The execution of a particular program written in that domain-specific language corresponds to the execution of a prototype of the system on a particular use case. |
OPOMBE | Soavtorji še: Marjan Mernik, Viljem Žumer, Pedro Rangel Henriques, Maria Joao Varanda Pereira |
PREDMETNE OZNAKE | // informatika // načrtovanje programske opreme // modeliranje // slovnica |
UDK | 004.4 |