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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.02 - pregledni znanstveni članek
DELO IMAilustracije
AVTOROgrin, Matija - avtor
ODGOVORNOSTJavoršek, Jan Jona - avtor // Erjavec, Tomaž -avtor
NASLOVRegister slovenskih rokopisov 17. in 18. stoletja : repozitorij, digitalna knjižnica in raziskovalno okolje = ǂThe ǂRegister of Slovenian-language manuscripts from the 17th and 18th centuries : repository, digital library and research environment
V PUBLIKACIJIa-bhixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. - 56, ǂ[št.] ǂ3 (okt. 2012), str. 161-173.
KRATKA VSEBINAPrispevek predstavi rezultate projekta NRSS Neznani rokopisi slovenskega slovstva 17. in 18. stoletja: informacijsko-tehnološko podprta evidenca, znanstvene objave in analize. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti in opisati večje število doslej neznanih ali neraziskanih novoveških rokopisov v slovenskem jeziku. Opisi rokopisov so bili označeni po smernicah konzorcija Text Encoding Initiative (dalje TEI) in zajeti v kompleksen digitalni repozitorij, ki služi kot digitalna knjižnica že obdelanih rokopisov in hkrati kot okolje za nove raziskave. Orisana sta digitalni zapis repozitorija v formatu XML in programska platforma Fedora Commons za iskanje po njem ter za grafično predstavitev rezultatov. Omenjena platforma in tehnologije XML so se izkazali kot ustrezen tehnični prijem, s katerim je bilo mogoče na spletu uspešno predstaviti raznovrstnost in vitalnost slovenske rokopisne kulture. // The paper gives a thorough examination of the Register of Slovenian-language manuscripts from the 17th and 18th centuries from different points of view:it is presented as a digital repository in humanities disciplines availablefor searching (digital library) and as a methodological framework of further scholarly research and discoveries in the field. Manuscripts, especially the manuscripts of Slovenian literature, have not been sufficiently taken into consideration so far. They have always been given but a sketchy treatment serving merely to illustrate the general outlines of the nation´s literary and cultural development. They have rarely been dealt with in specialised studies or scientific publications. This is the reason why they have not been registered and recorded in archival and library collections. Different guides to manuscripts offer only basic and limited information from which it is often impossible to identify the language, the content, and the history of a manuscript. With regard to the state-of-the-art of Slovenian manuscript research in the field of Slavic studies, arcival studies and codicology, it was indispensable to thoroughlyrecord and research the preserved manuscripts by the use of a uniform, rational and consistent method. In reference to these premises a new research project has been started resulting in accurate, thorough and rigorously structured descriptions of manuscripts. The idea of Slovenian manuscript register was developed comprising manuscript descriptions complemented by digital images of facsimiles thus visually presenting the manuscripts and facilitating further research in the field. The 3-year workresulted in the portal: unknown Slovenian-language manuscripts from the 17th and 18th centuries. The main project result was the register of Slovenian-language manuscripts from the 17th and 18th centuries. To date, it contains detailed descriptions of the first 100 manuscripts and over 7,000 digital facsimiles. The decisive selection criterion for inclusion inthe Register was that the majority of the manuscript should be written in Slovenian. The aim of the project was to register manuscripts kept in institutions in the central Slovenian region and gradually add manuscripts from other regions. One of the first was the region of Carinthia with the longest and specific manuscript tradition in Slovenia. As the general methodological framework the TEI Guidelines P5, in particular the Module for Manuscript Description was used. The encoding scheme was built upon XMLstandards which are typically used by similar projects in other countries. The TEI Guidelines unite several European doctrines on the subject. The TEIguidelines were strictly used without any modifications. A rich subset of TEI descriptions elements was used enabling detailed and systematic description of the materials: the content and history of a manuscript or codicological metadata on the date of the origin for a manuscript and the place of the origin for a manuscript. The XML encoding for each manuscript description was divided into four standard blocks. The XML based application was designed to enable users to access digitised manuscripts onthe web. For on-line searching and reading an on-line portal was developed using the Fedora Commons server. Fedora Commons was chosed as it implementsan XML-based digital document repository. The Fedora Commons server is based upon open standards and allows for construction of a repository conforming to the concept of an open archival information system. It has been widely used and has become a de-facto standard for digital archives, collections and libraries.
OPOMBEPrispevek s prvega ljubljanskega kongresa digitalizacije kulturne dediščine "Ljubljana v BiTiH - BiTi v Ljubljani", 16. maja 2012 // Besedilo v slov. // Izvleček ; Abstract // Bibliografija: str. 172-173
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// slovenska književnost // rokopisi // barok// razsvetljenstvo // digitalna knjižnica // digitalizacija // format TEI // elektronski mediji // Slovene manuscripts // Baroque // Enlightenment //digital library // TEI format // electronic editions // electronic media

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010