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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.02 - pregledni znanstveni članek
AVTORLa Torre, Davide - avtor
ODGOVORNOSTVrscay, Edward R. - avtor
NASLOVGeneralized fractal transforms and self-similarity: recent results and applications
V PUBLIKACIJIImage analysis & stereology. - ISSN 1580-3139. - ǂVol. ǂ30, ǂno. ǂ2 (Jun. 2011), str. 63-76.
KRATKA VSEBINAMost practical as well as theoretical works inimage processing and mathematical imaging consider images as real-valued functions, u : X --> Rg, where X denotes the base space or pixel space overwhich the images are defined and Rg c R is a suitable greyscale space. A variety of function spacesF(X) may be considered depending on the application. Fractal image coding seeks to approximate an image function asa union of spatially-contracted and greyscale-modified copies of subsets ofitself, i.e.,u = Tu, where T is the so-called Generalized Fractal Transform(GFT) operator. The aim of this paper is to show some recent developments of the theory of generalized fractal transforms and how they can be used for the purpose of image analysis (compression, denoising). This includes the formulation of fractal transforms over various spaces of multifunctions, i.e.,set-valued and measure-valued functions. The latter may be useful in nonlocal image processing.
OPOMBEAbstract // Bibliografija: str. 75-76
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// Image Processing, Computer-Assisted // Fractals // Nonlinear Dynamics // Ships // Ladje // Slika, obdelava z računalnikom // Fraktali // Nelinearna dinamika
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// fraktalna transformacija // fraktali // obdelava slik
UDK51-7, 004.932

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010