VRSTA GRADIVA | analitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek |
DRŽAVA IZIDA | Slovenija |
LETO IZIDA | 2009 |
PISAVA | latinica |
AVTOR | Čevnik, Maja - avtor |
ODGOVORNOST | Šilc, Jurij - avtor // Žerovnik, Janez - avtor |
NASLOV | Optimalno permutacijsko usmerjanje v heksagonalnih omrežjih = Optimal permutation routing on hexagonal networks |
V PUBLIKACIJI | Elektrotehniški vestnik. - ISSN 0013-5852. -ǂLetn. ǂ76, ǂšt. ǂ1/2 (2009), str. 19-24. |
KRATKA VSEBINA | Najprej vpeljemo komunikacijska omrežja in usmerjanje podatkov v njih, v nadaljevanju pa se osredotočimo na permutacijsko usmerjanje. Osrednji del članka je problem optimalnega permutacijskega usmerjanja na trikotniških mrežah. Predstavlje je optomalnipermutacijski usmerjevalni algoritem, ki za usmerjanje vseh permutacij potrebuje ▫$l_{max}$▫, korakov, kjer je ▫$l_{max}$▫ najdaljša izmed vseh najkrajših poti sporočil. // At the beginning of the paper we introduce communication networks and data routing in networks. Later we focus on permutation routing, where each base station is the origin of at most one package and at the same time is the destination of no more than one package. The main part of the paper represents the problem of optimal permutation routing in triangular meshes with full-duplex edges. We describe an optimal permutation routing algorithm for full-duplex triangular meshes. The basic idea of the algorithm is that the saturated package should wait any longer because it has already waited as long as it could, otherwise the algorithm becomes suboptimal. Packet ▫$p$▫ is saturated if the number of waiting steps of the packet is ▫$l_{max} - l_p$▫where ▫$l_{max}$▫ is the maximum length over the shortest paths of the all packets and ▫$l_p$▫ is the length of the shortest path of packet ▫$p$▫. Thealgorithm routes every permutation in the ▫$l_{max}$▫ routing steps and is optimal, because ▫$l_{max}$▫ is a lower bound of every permutation routing algorithm in triangular meshes. |
OPOMBE | Bibliografija: str. 24 |
PREDMETNE OZNAKE | // teorija grafov // heksagonalno omrežje // permutacijsko usmerjanje // usmerjene zveze // trikotniške mreže |