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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
ODGOVORNOSTZheng, Jian-Hua - avtor // Hao, Chongyang - avtor // Fan, Yang-Yu - avtor // Zang, Xian-Yong - avtor
NASLOVAdaptive skin detection under unconstrained lighting conditions using a bigaussian model and illumination estimation
V PUBLIKACIJIImage analysis & stereology. - ISSN 1580-3139. - ǂVol. ǂ24, ǂno. ǂ1 (mar. 2005), str. 21-33.
KRATKA VSEBINAAn algorithm is proposed to improve the performance of skin detection algorithms under poor illumination conditions. A hybrid skin detection model is addressed to solve these problems by combining two Gaussian models of skin under normal conditions and bright illumination. According to the distributionof the combined models, the algorithm automatically evaluates the skin segmentation result of an adaptive threshold algorithm based on a Gaussian model by estimating the illumination conditions of image. If the estimation result shows that the illumination condition is very different fromthe normal one, the skin color of the original image needs compensation, and then the algorithm feeds the compensated image back to the Gaussian model for finer skin detection. The experimental results show that our algorithm cancope with a complex illumination change and greatly improve skin classification performance under inferior illumination conditions.
OPOMBEAbstract // Bibliografija: str. 33
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// Skin Pigmentation // Image Processing, Computer-Assisted // Lighting // Roc Curve // Normal Distribution // Kožna pigmentacija // Osvetlitev // Slika, obdelava z računalnikom // Normalna distribucija // ROK krivulja
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// obdelava slik // koža // pigmentacija // osvetlitev // algoritmi
UDK004.93, 611.77

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010