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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
ODGOVORNOSTBlacher, Silvia - avtor // Devy, Laetitia - avtor // Noel, Agnes - avtor // Foidart, Jean-Michel - avtor
NASLOVQuantification of angiogenesis on the rat aortic ring assay
V PUBLIKACIJIImage analysis & stereology. - ISSN 1580-3139. - ǂVol. ǂ22, ǂno. ǂ1 (mar. 2003), str. 43-48.
KRATKA VSEBINAImage analysis is used to quantify angiogenesis on the rat aortic ring model. This technique allows to determine: (1) the aortic ring area and factor shape;(2) the number of microvessels, the total number of branching, the maximal microvessel lengthand the number of microvessels in function of the distance to the aortic ring; (3) the total number of isolated fibroblast-like cells and the numberof fibroblast-like cells in function of the distance to the aortic ring. Weshow that this method is suitable to quantify spontaneous angiogenesis as well as to analyse a complex microvascular network induced by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
OPOMBEAbstract // Bibliografija: str. 48
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// Aorta - Anatomy And Histology // Fibroblasts // Neovascularization, Physiologic // Endothelium, Vascular // Image Processing, Computer-Assisted // Cells, Cultured // Endothelial Growth Factors // Rats // Aorta // Endotelij žilni // Fibroblasti // Neovaskularizacija fiziološka // Slika, obdelava z računalnikom // Celične kulture // Endotelijski, rastni faktorji // Podgane
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// stereologija // aorta // podgane
UDK616.1, 004.93

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010