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VRSTA GRADIVAanalitična raven (sestavni del), tekstovno gradivo, tiskano, 1.01 - izvirni znanstveni članek
ODGOVORNOSTPalčič, Iztok - avtor // Bikfalvi, Andrea - avtor // Castro Vila, Rodolfo de - avtor // Llach Pagès, Josep - avtor // Buchmeister, Borut - avtor // Vujica-Herzog, Nataša - avtor
NASLOVManufacturing firms' cooperation patterns - a case from Slovenia and Spain
V PUBLIKACIJIAdvances in production engineering & management. - ISSN 1854-6250.. - ǂVol. ǂ5, ǂno. ǂ4 (Dec. 2010), str. 253-261.
KRATKA VSEBINAThe aim of this paper is to examine characteristics of cooperation among manufacturing firms from Slovenia and Spain in R&D, production and services. The paper presents results from the largest European research on characteristics of manufacturing firms. The research is performed in more than 10 countries with an extensive survey inmanufacturing firms with at least 20 employees. In this paper the results are analysed with the use of descriptive statistics. The results of the research are divided into three main parts. First we identified both countriesć cooperation patterns and we compare our findings with some otherEuropean countries. Second we brings valuable additional information on each pattern and further data on detailed parameters, such as geographical proximity, networking, formality of cooperation and financial performance. Finally, we explore the relationship between cooperation and a special areaof competitiveness, namely services. The main conclusion from the research was that Slovenian firms are engaging incooperative agreements much more often than the Spanish ones. The paper presents several explanations of this fact. There are, however, some limitations of the research, especiallyin the service area: when observing the number of responses related to service performance measures only relatively few valid responses were accounted. The biggest value of the paper is the fact the most researchers focus just on R&D cooperation. The authors of this paper have included alsoother parts of manufacturing value chain, where a special emphasis is on the services as a very popular topic in today's operations management research.
OPOMBESoavtorji: Bikfalvi, A.; De Castro Vila, R.; Llach Pages, J.; Buchmeister, B., Vujica-Herzog, N. // Abstract // Bibliografija: str. 261
PREDMETNE OZNAKE// proizvodnja // kooperacija // Slovenija //Španija // research and development // production // cooperation // manufacturing firm

izvedba, lastnina in pravice: NUK 2010